Roosevelt Middle School verified non-profit

Jeri Lynn Miller
I teach 6th grade science. I have taught science for the last 10 years.

Kyley Cikesh
6th Grade Teacher
I am a teacher at a very high poverty school. Over 65% of my students receive free or reduced lunch and many have not access to technology. Every day my students come to school excited to learn and I would like to give back by providing the tools they need to succeed.

Brandon Hartmann
8th Grade Science Teacher
8th Grade Science Teacher at Roosevelt Middle School in Oklahoma City, OK. Science educated, TFA bred.

Mary Elizabeth Williams
Teacher and World History Team Leader
Prior to becoming a teacher, I was an administrator over programs and services for senior citizens and people with developmental disabilities. I possess a bachelor's degree in sociology, and a master's in administration, human services. However, I have always held an interest and passion in teaching others. I have been teaching social studies for 12 years, and am presently employed with the School District of Palm Beach County at Roosevelt Middle School. I possess extensive knowledge and background, and utilize a wide array of teaching strategies, including but not limited to: cooperative learning groups, small groups, partnerships, sharing, student mentoring, student teaching, project based learning, interactive notebooks, interactive lectures, interactive white board, cornell notes, academic learning games, arts and crafts, simulations, and role play. It is my goal to engage and empower students on a daily basis to increase their appreciation for and interest in knowing more about the history of the world. In order to do that, it is imperative that technology and hands on projects and other activities be incorporated into the curriculum and teaching strategies.

Shirley Boffa
6th grade science teacher
I work as a science teacher at a Title I middle school in West Palm Beach Florida. I would like to provide my students with supplies and activities that they may otherwise be denied due to lack of funding and resources.