Eating Healthy

Verified Non-Profit

$500 goal

The Description
With these funds I will...purchase different types of foods and snacks and we will graph and chart the nutritional values of these items. While doing this we will research topics like calories, exercise, and the food pyramid to encourage a healthier lifestyle. I will challenge my students to make healthier food choices and show them how easy it can be. I will purchase candy bars, protein bars, chips, granola, fruit, popcorn, trail mix, and different gummy candies. This is what we will use to compare nutritional values. Many students do not have information on nutrition so they cannot make the correct choices. This has led to obesity in our nation. I would like to introduce healthy snacks into their lives and show them how making a healthy choice is more beneficial. We will also look at the cause of heart problems which stem from bad food choices. Since my students come from a Title 1 school most receive free or reduced lunch. We know these are the students who probably have the least healthy choices available at home due to finances. So if I can show them how to make simple changes like giving up soda for flavored water or trading out a candy bar for a protein bar this may help them be healthier children which leads to healthier adults.
Back Up Plan
If I do not meet my goal I will purchase...I will just purchase less snacks to compare.
About the Creator

Investments (3)
9 years ago
9 years ago
Steve Azar
9 years ago
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