Healthy Snacks

Verified Non-Profit

$125 goal
This Fundraiser Has Ended
Every share can raise $11

The Description
With these funds I will...purchase healthy snacks for my students who come to school without breakfast. It is a known fact that students can not learn unless they are focused. It is so hard to focus when all you can think about is being hungry. We have taught numerous lessons on trading out unhealthy snacks for healthy snack so this would alos tie into that. The following list breaks down the snacks that I will purchase:
Protein bars = $50
Water = $25
Fruit Snacks = $25
Popcorn = $25
Back Up Plan
If I do not meet my goal I will purchase...less snacks for my classroom.
About the Creator

I teach in a title one school which means over 70% of my students receiver free or reduced lunch. I also work at a magnet school so students in this program are required to maintain a B average.
Investments (0)
This Fundraiser Has Ended
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