Seating for Our Centers

Verified Non-Profit

$125 goal
This Fundraiser Has Ended
Every share can raise $11

The Description
With these funds I seating for our computer/app station. We have no where cool to sit and do our work. I would love to see my students have their own seating area where they can go and lounge to do their work. Somewhere where they want to hang out and work on their math independently. Somewhere where they can take out their ipads and do some work.
Bean bags - 4 @ $25 = $100
Table - $25
Back Up Plan
If I do not meet my goal I will purchase...fewer seating options for my students.
About the Creator

I teach in a title one school which means over 70% of my students receiver free or reduced lunch. I also work at a magnet school so students in this program are required to maintain a B average.
Investments (0)
This Fundraiser Has Ended
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