Fun Time Please

Verified Non-Profit

$200 goal

The Description
With these funds I will...purchase games and activities for my students to use as a reward after school for their good behavior and grades. I believe in positive reinforcement and this is a way to get the kids excited. They work hard and then get to hang out in my room to play games, read, listen to music, and socialize. All they need to do is be recognized for their hard work throughout the week or weeks. It would be nice to have some strategy video games that force them to read, music like Maroon Five and Miley Cyrus, games like Cards Against Humanity, and any of the newest books out since my students are always looking to read.
I will purchase:
Books: $50
Board Games: $50
Video Games: $50
Music: $50
Back Up Plan
If I do not meet my goal I will purchase... less items or cheaper items to add to what I already have.
About the Creator

Investments (1)
9 years ago
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