Interactive math supplies

Verified Non-Profit

$250 goal

The Description
With these funds I will...purchase supplies for my classroom to make our interactive math notebooks even more exciting. We need coloring supplies, colored paper, stickers and ribbon to decorate the pages of our notebooks for each of my 125 students. Students are so used to taking notes and never looking back at them. We use our interactive notebooks daily and they want to use them because they are creative and colored. My students come from a title one school so many come to school with no supplies.
Back Up Plan
If I do not meet my goal I will purchase these items in a smaller quantity myself. It is important to me to make my students learning fun.
Fundraiser Updates (3)
Supplies and Happy Kids
November 16, 2015
My students love using all their new supplies. They honestly are always asking if they can get them to use.
Interactive Notebooks
March 23, 2015
Just the use of the new items like crayons, markers, and paper have brightened up their world. We have notebooks that are bright and colorful. My students are excited about taking notes. They want to use the new supplies every chance they get.
Math Notebook
February 3, 2015
We have not started this activity yet but are so excited to do so.
About the Creator

Investments (2)
10 years ago
Lauren Leal
10 years ago
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