Video Fun

Verified Non-Profit

Verified Non-Profit

The Description

With these funds I will purchase video equipment so we can make math videos to share with our classes on topics we are studying. We are hoping to get a Samsung Galaxy notebook and a Nikon camera for my classroom. My students take the math concepts we learn and turn them into plays, songs and raps. If we were able to record this, I could share it with other classes. My students come from a Title One school which is a technology school without technology. 

The camera we are looking to purchase is a Nikon with lenses. The cost is $269.95

Nikon COOLPIX L830 16 MP CMOS Digital Camera with 34x Zoom NIKKOR Lens, HD Video & Tiltable 3\\" LCD - Black (Import) + 4 AA High Capacity Batteries with Quick Charger + 10pc Bundle 32GB Deluxe Accessory Kit w/ HeroFiber® Ultra Gentle Cleaning Cloth

We are also looking to purchase a Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 Lite (7-Inch, White)

The cost is $139.99.


Back Up Plan

I will purchase a cheaper version to still implement the project. I will try to at least purchase the notebook if we raise enough money. 

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About the Creator

I teach in a title one school which means over 70% of my students receiver free or reduced lunch. I also work at a magnet school so students in this program are required to maintain a B average.

Investments (1)



10 years ago