Verified Non-Profit

$300 goal

The Description
With these funds I will...
Help Us Globe The World....
My students need 25 globes, 35 individual white boards, erasable markers and easel paper to increase their global awareness of the world, including continents and countries. The materials that are being requested will enable the teacher to bring the world closer to each individual student. Each world history lesson focuses and features a different area, region, and cultures that make up the world. It is imperative that students become knowledgeable and aware of where they are in comparison to the rest of the world. It's difficult to just read about a place and not be able to envision or visualize where this place is in terms of miles and distance. The globe will help students make better calculations. The globe will create hands on learning opportunities, because the students will be able to manipulate the globe and navigate to and from assigned areas. The white boards, erasable markers, and over sized pads will be used by the students to track and decipher information, answer critical thinking questions, draw conclusions, provide feedback, compare and contrast, explore facts and other pertinent global information. The donations to this project will improve my classroom by increasing the visual aids necessary and required when teaching about places in the world that most individuals may not have the capacity to visit.
Back Up Plan
If I do not meet my goal...I will purchase as many Elenco 5" Desktop Political Globes possible to increase the students global awareness of the world, including continents and countries.
About the Creator

I have been teaching social studies for 12 years, and am presently employed with the School District of Palm Beach County at Roosevelt Middle School. I possess extensive knowledge and background, and utilize a wide array of teaching strategies, including but not limited to: cooperative learning groups, small groups, partnerships, sharing, student mentoring, student teaching, project based learning, interactive notebooks, interactive lectures, interactive white board, cornell notes, academic learning games, arts and crafts, simulations, and role play.
It is my goal to engage and empower students on a daily basis to increase their appreciation for and interest in knowing more about the history of the world. In order to do that, it is imperative that technology and hands on projects and other activities be incorporated into the curriculum and teaching strategies.
Investments (1)
9 years ago
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