Booker T. Washington Middle High School verified non-profit

Memphis, Tennessee


Booker T. Washington Middle High School is a public school located in South Memphis. Booker T. Washington High School's mission is for students to become equipped with the intellectual, technological and social skills that will allow them to exceed the expectations of state and national standards. One Team, One Goal: To Educate, Elevate and Illuminate Students Who Are Top Rate. Booker T. Washington High School will provide each student with an education in a safe, supportive environment that promotes self-discipline, motivation and excellence. The entire school community will be fully committed to utilizing the academic, technological, and social resources necessary to develop self-sufficient life-long learners.
$1,734 Raised
33 Investors
Broadening Horizons
by JaQuisha Gray
at Booker T. Washington Middle High School
minutes left
Semester 2 Kickoff...Supplies, Supplies, Supplies
by Jocelyn Mosby
at Booker T. Washington Middle High School
minutes left
Semester 2 Kickoff...Supplies, Supplies, Supplies
by Paige Stubbs
at Booker T. Washington Middle High School
minutes left
Computers For The Classroom
by Jocelyn Mosby
at Booker T. Washington Middle High School
minutes left
Dance Uniforms
by Jocelyn Mosby
at Booker T. Washington Middle High School
minutes left
Computers For My Classroom
by Marcus Johnson
at Booker T. Washington Middle High School
minutes left
Computers For My Classroom
by Terrence Wicks
at Booker T. Washington Middle High School
minutes left
BTW Lady Warriors Exposure
by Steven McKinney
at Booker T. Washington Middle High School
minutes left
Supply Novels For My English Classes
by Jocelyn Mosby
at Booker T. Washington Middle High School
minutes left
School Supplies For Our FUTURE!
by Paige Stubbs
at Booker T. Washington Middle High School
minutes left
Reading is Fundamental!
by Keneisha Malone
at Booker T. Washington Middle High School
minutes left
Ready for Success
by Derica Jenkins
at Booker T. Washington Middle High School
minutes left
!!School Supplies!!
by Keneisha Malone
at Booker T. Washington Middle High School
minutes left

Derica Jenkins

Intervention Teacher

Hey, everyone! I am a middle school Intervention teacher at Booker T. Washington High School!

Paige Stubbs

Math Teacher

HI! I teach middle school math at Booker T. Washington High!

Jocelyn Mosby


I am currently an English III teacher as well as the middle school lead teacher at Booker T. Washington Middle High School in Memphis, Tennessee. This is my 11th year as an educator and I wouldn't trade my career for anything in the world. I have received various rewards as New Channel 3 Teacher of the week as well as COOL school teacher. I have been a certified master teacher, former literacy coach, and new teacher mentor. My passion lies with children and I will continue to change lives one child at a time.

Jaclyn Boyd


I am a 9th and 10th grade English teacher in an urban neighborhood. I am excited to educate and mold the minds of the next generation of great minds!

Shereka Wright


I'm a dedicated, hard-working teacher looking to continually improve and enrich the lives of my students through literacy.

Steven McKinney


For the past fifteen years, I've served the 38126 community as a math teacher and coach at Booker T. Washington High School. I am a locally and nationally recognized teacher. Locally,News Channel 3 named me the Teacher of Week. I was a contributing teacher for the Bill and Melinda Gates Measurement of Effective Teaching project where my class was videotaped. I served as a mentor teacher for Shelby County Schools and Memphis Teacher Residency. I am a former Teach Plus Fellow. I was a featured teacher in the "I Teach, I Am" teacher appreciation campaign. On a national level, I am an America Achieves fellow where I participated in NBC’s Education Nation. Currently I serve as a teacher advisor to the Helmsley Educational Trust.

Doris Jones


I am a secondary science teacher in Memphis Tennessee at Booker T. Washington High School. I presently teach all girls in my class since we are gender specific in many of our core classes. I love teaching girls not only science but coping skills that will help them become beautiful, smart and powerful women.

JaQuisha Gray


I am the Middle School Science teacher for my alma mater Booker T. Washington Middle/High School. I've been working with kids since I was 14 in an afterschool program. Even at that age I saw how detrimental it is to ensure that all children received an education. I developed personal relationship with the kids in the program. As soon I graduated college, I found myself back in the community I left 4 years prior teaching the kids (now teenagers) I tutored when I was 14. There is truly a sense of humbleness working with the students of BTW.

Marcia Lakey


I am in my 32nd year of teaching and I am loving every moment of it. I enjoy seeing all the wonderful changes education brings to students and teachers.

Kenneth Gunn


I teach at Booker T. Washington high School and I am interested in making a cause for the middle school classroom.

Renita Bryant

Middle/High School Business Teacher

Business Technology Department.

Necie Spencer

High school Teacher

Cosmetology Instructor at Booker T Washington High school.

Anjuli Gustafson

11th 12th grade Spanish Teacher

I am a teacher at THEE Booker T Washington High School.

ssss sssss

8th grade

I am currently an English III teacher as well as the middle school lead teacher at Booker T. Washington Middle High School in Memphis, Tennessee. This is my 11th year as an educator and I wouldn't trade my career for anything in the world. I have received various rewards as New Channel 3 Teacher of the week as well as COOL school teacher. I have been a certified master teacher, former literacy coach, and new teacher mentor. My passion lies with children and I will continue to change lives one child at a time.

Dexter Flannagan

Teacher Grade 9-12

Booker T. Washington Middle High School Memphis, Tn Grades 9-12

Natasha Seymour

Math Teacher

Teacher with Shelby County Schools in Tennessee.

Marcus Johnson

High School Teacher

Hi! I am a teacher in Memphis, Tennessee at Booker T. Washington Middle High School. I teach Biology for grades 10-11.

Ebony Shaw

11th grade English Teacher

I have the pleasure to 11th grade English at the outstanding Booker T Washington High School in Memphis, TN.

Constance Tutor

Visual Art

I am a visual arts teacher at Booker T. Washington, in Memphis TN.

Rachelle Jimerson

Instructional Resource Teacher

I am a special education teacher who is dedicated, resourceful, and goal oriented with a commitment to teach all children from various milieus.

Teresa Gray

Inclusion Teacher

Booker T. Washington Middle High School Memphis, Tn 38128

Terrence Wicks

6 - 8 grade middle all boys

Hello my name is Terrence Wicks. I am a new teacher at Booker T. Washington High. I am excited to do all that I can to help create a culture of learning in my classroom!

Tina Washington

Spanish teacher

The current computers within my classroom are outdated and must be discarded. Our school district will not replace the computers an it is up to the school to purchase new ones. We are a Title 1 school, and we do not have the funds to equip each classroom. Therefore, I am seeking pledgecents to replenish the computers in my classroom so that I can continue to use instructional technology rotations. My students need as much exposure to technology and without computers in the classroom, they will not have the opportunity to practice the necessary computer skills that they will need post high school. I will be purchasing a minimum of 10 HP laptop computers and the license to use the Microsoft office programs. The estimated cost is $500. If I do not meet my goal I will purchase as many computers that I can with the funds that I collect.

Micheala Anderson

9th grade Physical Science Teacher

Freshman Physical Science Teacher!

Carolyn Matthews


History Teacher

Latarra Rallings

Media Specialist 6th-12th

Library media specialist teaching to to have a to use print and electronic resources effectively, use social media responsibly and develop a lifelong love of reading