Broadening Horizons

Verified Non-Profit
$5,000 goal

The Description
Booker T. Washington High School of Memphis, TN's Varsity Cheerleading Squad is requesting your assistance. Cheerleading is an amazing and competitive sport that teaches young ladies and men sportsmanship, gymnastics, and all out athleticism. This year the BTW Varsity Cheerleading squad has been invited to cheer at the Tennessee Titans Halftime Show. The squad also has aspirations to travel and compete in its first ever National Cheerleading Competition. All funds raised will be used to purchase, new uniforms for each girl, gymnastics mats for tumbling and stunting, gymnastics training, costs of travel and boarding for the halftime show and cheerleading competition.
Back Up Plan
If we do not reach our goal I will purchase new uniforms for each girl, gymnastics mats for tumbling and stunting, and gymnastics training. We will continue building skills until we are able to reach our goal.
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