Supply Novels For My English Classes

Verified Non-Profit

Verified Non-Profit

The Description

With these funds I will purchase books for my students. We are currently a Title I school and students come from a low income area. While I would love to have the ideal classroom where parents will purchase the books that students need in my class, this is not the reality. Through PledgeCents, I want to make this happen. PledgeCents will provide this opportunity for my students. My students would deserve the materials because we are limited to only 3-5 books and I will need classroom sets of books to provide to each student. With my cause, I will be purchasing 35 novels of "AND THEN THERE WERE NONE" by Agatha Christie, "A RAISIN IN THE SUN", and "SPEAK". Not only that, I will supply each student with their own personal copy of the text to build his or her own personal library. 

Back Up Plan

If I do not meet my goal, I will solicit assistance from the community to assist students the best way that they can. I will use vendors that will give me reasonable prices for the books. I will reach out to salvage and used bookstores to locate as many books as I can. I will also continue to reach out to public libraries and anyone that can assist me in obtaining the novels. 

Fundraiser Updates (1)

Cost of books

September 18, 2015

The Pledge cents will be used to purchase books needed to cover the next unit, mystery. Barnes and Noble has the books available for $6.99 a piece. See the link below:

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About the Creator

I am currently an English III teacher as well as the middle school lead teacher at Booker T. Washington Middle High School in Memphis, Tennessee. This is my 11th year as an educator and I wouldn't trade my career for anything in the world. I have received various rewards as New Channel 3 Teacher of the week as well as COOL school teacher. I have been a certified master teacher, former literacy coach, and new teacher mentor. My passion lies with children and I will continue to change lives one child at a time.

Investments (1)



9 years ago