Computers For The Classroom

Verified Non-Profit

$5,000 goal
This Fundraiser Has Ended
Every share can raise $11

The Description
With these funds I will...
- How will this money directly impact you, your students, and your classroom? The current computers within my classroom are outdated and must be discarded. Our school district will not replace the computers and it is up the the school level to purchase new ones. We are a Title I school and we do not have the funds to equip each classroom. Therefore, I am seeking for pledgecents to replenish the computers in my classroom so that I can continue to use instructional technology rotations.
- Why do your students in particular deserve these resources/this experience? My students need as much exposure to technology and without computers in the classroom, they will not have the opportunity to practice the necessary computer skills that they will need post high school.
- (If applicable) What type of supplies will you be purchasing (please include a link if possible), what is the cost per unit, how many units will you be purchasing? I will be purchasing a minimum of 10 HP laptop computers and the license to use the Microsoft office programs. The estimated costs per computer is $500+.
Back Up Plan
If I do not meet my goal I will many computers that i can with the funds raised.
About the Creator

I am currently an English III teacher as well as the middle school lead teacher at Booker T. Washington Middle High School in Memphis, Tennessee. This is my 11th year as an educator and I wouldn't trade my career for anything in the world. I have received various rewards as New Channel 3 Teacher of the week as well as COOL school teacher. I have been a certified master teacher, former literacy coach, and new teacher mentor. My passion lies with children and I will continue to change lives one child at a time.
Investments (0)
This Fundraiser Has Ended
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