School Supplies For Our FUTURE!

Verified Non-Profit

Verified Non-Profit

The Description

With these funds I will be able to enhance students learning experience by providing them with all of the supplies that they need to be successful. Each student will benefit from having extra graph paper, notebook paper, rulers, and calculators that they can take home. My students deserve these supplies because they come to school anxious to learn and are excited about math. Some students are not able to bring the items that they need each day. Most times, the students are sincerely disappointed when I tell them that it is a no homework day! The students would benefit from having all of the resources that they need to be successful in class and at home. Most supplies have to stay at school to ensure that each student is able to utilize the material, and that there is enough. It would be nice for students to have access to their own supplies at school and at home!


College Ruled notebook paper: $2.49 per pack

Graph Paper: $2.49 per pack

Handheld calculator: $4.99

Rulers: $1.00

Protractor: $1.19

One-Subject 100 sheet notebook: $3.29

Pencils (12 per pack): $1.69

Back Up Plan

If I do not meet my goal I will purchase the most important supplies that are needed daily such as pencils and paper! You can never have enough paper and pencils.

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About the Creator

HI! I teach middle school math at Booker T. Washington High!

Investments (1)



9 years ago