Computers For My Classroom

Verified Non-Profit

$5,000 goal

The Description
The current computers in my classroom are outdated and must be discarded. Our district will not replace the computers and it is up to the school level to purchase new ones. We are a Title I school and do not have funds to equip each classroom. Therefore, I am seeking for PledgeCents to replenish the computers in my classroom so that I can continue to use instructional technology rotations.
I will be purchasing a minimum of 10 HP computers and the license to use Microsoft Office Programs. The estimated cost per computer is $500.
My students need exposure to technology and without computers in the classroom they will not have the opportunity to practice the necessary computer skills that they will need after high school. I am an English teacher who puts a lot of emphasis on research for writing essays. For many of my students this is the first time that they are exposed to this form of higher level writing. So using computers that aren’t obsolete prevents them from being available to students over an extended period of time. If they do not have access to this basic form of technology, the risk of becoming intimidated and less confident than students who have this equipment at their fingertips can grow.
Back Up Plan
If I do not meet my goal I will many computers that I can with the funds raised.
About the Creator

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