Parker Elementary verified non-profit
Our Mission: To develop knowledge and character one child at a time.
Our Vision: To become the elementary school of choice in HISD.
Our Core Values: High Expectations, Individuality, Progress and Achievement,
Equity and Equality, Development of the Whole Child
Offering a variety of music instruction to students in kindergarten through fifth grade, Parker believes in the power of music to enlighten, enhance and educate.

Maggy Britton
1st Grade
My entire life has revolved around wanting to teach. I earned my BA in Hispanic Studies from Rice University with the intention of improving communication between my future students' families and myself. I then received my Masters in Elementary Education from Vanderbilt University. I may be paying student loans until I die, but I know that I have the best education possible helping me through my teaching career. I have taught for 6 years, and I couldn't imagine a more fulfilling career. From 3rd grade to kindergarten, the love I have for my students is immeasurable. I would do anything for them and am constantly striving to improve myself as a teacher and their learning experience. I am excited to have found a new way to help them!

Parker Elementary Advanced Band Houston, Texas
Advanced Band
We want to thank you for considering a donation to help the Advanced Band 2015 trip to San Antonio, TX!! Our goal is to fundraise enough mondy to take EVERY child. We have 60 students and the cost is $136 per child.

Katy Rodgers
Kindergarten Teacher
Hello! I am a Kindergarten teacher at Parker Elementary in HoustonISD. This is my fourth year to be teaching and I am a proud alum of Parker Elementary myself. I never grew up thinking I would be a teacher, but once I started student teaching in college, I couldn't stop! Each day is a surprise and keeps me on my toes. Watching the kids grow socially and academically from the beginning of the year until the end makes all the hard times worth it!

Bobbi Richardson
I'm a kindergarten teacher at Parker Elementary School. I'm also the webmaster for our campus! I'm in my twentieth year of teaching and I now provide training and ongoing support for first-year teachers in addition to my classroom duties.

Reaby Gibson
First Grade Reading/Language Arts Teacher
My name is Reaby Gibson and I am a first grade reading/language arts teacher at Parker Elementary School in Houston, Texas. In my classroom, I have a large focus on Guided Reading, Daily 5, Writer's Workshop, and helping students be successful at challeging themselves in their reading abilities.
Lisa Chilivetis Turner
Health and Physical Education teacher
Hi, I'm Coach Chili! I teach elementary health and physical education(HPE) in Houston ISD. I have taught middle school science and HPE for 7 years and now have ventured to the elementary level. I am a teacher through and through and absolutely love what I teach. Health and wellness are my passion and I live everyday to pass along my knowledge and inspire others to make themselves better.

Amy Wethington
Fourth Grade Teacher
My name is Amy Wethington and I am a Fourth Grade teacher at Parker Elementary in Houston, Texas. Last year was my first year teaching, so I am fairly new to the profession. I knew I wanted to be a teacher practically my entire life and I am so thankful to get to live out my passion.

Dale Harrison
Technology Teacher
I am a technology teacher at Parker Elementary in Houston, Texas. Education is a passion for me and I've worked as a teacher assistant, high school teacher and now elementary for 10 years now. After working as a substitute teacher I felt the pull to become a teacher because I loved working with kids and also because I felt there was a need for more male teachers in education. I've experienced so much through the years and the bonds formed have been beneficial not only for my former students but for myself as well. My goal is to just expose my students to the opportunities that awaits them and show them that they have someone in their corner.

Linda Mindingall Payne
First grade teacher
As a first grade teacher I managed to extend into my first love which is ART. I integrate all areas of the curriculum which MUST include art and cooking and WOW seeing creativity come to life in a child's eyes and their smiles is priceless.

Sarah Stokeld
I am a third grade teacher at Parker Elementary School in the Houston Independent School District.

Allison Sendejas
1st Grade Teacher
I am a first year, 1st grade teacher. My goal is to provide my amazing students with a wide selection of books, as well as various math tools and manipulatives to meet their every individual need!

Ashley Sotelo
Pre-K Teacher
Hi! I am a Title 1 Pre-K teacher in Houston, TX. I am beginning my 18th year of teaching this year! I really enjoy teaching 4 year olds how to read and write so they can be successful in Kindergarten!