Tech It Up!

Verified Non-Profit

$1,200 goal

The Description
With these funds I will purchase a MacBook Air. I currently utilize a laptop to track students' performance and create products to use for my classroom; however, it is unable to keep up with the formatting and advanced needs that I have. With the MacBook Air, I will be able to do these tasks more effectively and will also be able to sync with the iPads in the classroom.
This will benefit the students by having backed up, updated iPads as well as a teacher that can more closely track their abilities. No longer will we have to pause our small group because Mrs. Britton's computer crashed again!
Back Up Plan
If I do not meet my goal I will purchase the laptop myself, using the funds raised to help me!
About the Creator

I have taught for 6 years, and I couldn't imagine a more fulfilling career. From 3rd grade to kindergarten, the love I have for my students is immeasurable. I would do anything for them and am constantly striving to improve myself as a teacher and their learning experience. I am excited to have found a new way to help them!
Investments (2)
9 years ago
Barry M. Taylor
9 years ago
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