Lets Build Our Classroom Library

Verified Non-Profit

$250 goal

The Description
With these funds I will...buy more books for my students to read, explore, and learn from! I am a first year teacher and while I inherited a nice selection of books, I am still in need of more! 1st Graders make more reading growth than any other primary level grade. I want to make sure that my students reach their personal reading goals by providing them with various books/selections that meet their individual needs and interests! I am looking to buy around 50 more books. I would like to invest in more series of books that will intrigue my wide range of readers, such as more Kevin Henkes books so that my students may make Text-to-Self connections. I would also like to purchase the "Ordinary People Change the World" series so that may students may learn about influential historical people that have made a difference, and I'd like to further expand my chapter book selection with more Magic Tree House and Amelia Bedilia books. I can find most of the books I am in search of on Amazon or at Half Price Books, where most titles can be bought for around $5. With $250, I can quickly order and search for more books to get my 1st graders reading!
Back Up Plan
If I do not meet my goal I will purchase...these books on my own or continue rummaging through garage sales, discounted book sales, and my parents' personal book supply (many classics, but they're a bit worn).
About the Creator

Investments (8)
Ruva Edwards
8 years ago
Kiersten Bryant
8 years ago
Sydney Ross
8 years ago
Joe Torres
8 years ago
Jason Bourdeau II
8 years ago
Angie Santuario
8 years ago
Rina Miriam & Ayala Presley
8 years ago
Samantha Smith
8 years ago
Comments (1)
Samantha October 3, 2016
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