Laptop for Learning and Logging

Verified Non-Profit

$950 goal

The Description
With these funds I will...purchase a Lenovo 2-in-1 mini laptop, which I will use to help log and document student achievement and growth throughout the school year. This mini laptop will mostly be used during Daily 5 rotations where students get the chance to go to reading and language arts learning stations to practice their skills. Currently to have one-on-one conferences I need to call the students away from their work to come to me where I log their achievements using pen and paper. While this works, a more effective way would be for me to be able to come to the students as they are working and document their achievements while they are participating in Daily 5 and have all the resources I need right there in one laptop rather than the three binders I currently use. With the funds I will also purchase antivirus software and Microsoft Office to protect my documents. The laptop itself is $799.99 and I am taking into account $150.00 for the antivirus and Microsoft Office.
Back Up Plan
If I do not meet my goal I will purchase...the same laptop, but I will purchase the version with less memory storage. The laptop I would like to purchase has 8GB of stored memory and the less expensive version has 4GB of storage.
About the Creator

Investments (8)
9 years ago
Deanna Bernardo
9 years ago
Maria Santos
9 years ago
Amelia Quizon
9 years ago
Kristine Richards Niznik
9 years ago
Martha R Ventura
9 years ago
9 years ago
Andrea Holland
9 years ago
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