iPads for P.A.L.S.

Verified Non-Profit

Verified Non-Profit

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Fundraiser Updates (1)

Thank You

February 1, 2016

Just wanted to say a BIG THANK YOU to everyone who supported this effort.  I didn't reach my goal but as promised I was able to give the funds to the P.A.L.S. teacher to use to purchase supplies for class.  Thank you again for your support.

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About the Creator

I am a technology teacher at Parker Elementary in Houston, Texas. Education is a passion for me and I've worked as a teacher assistant, high school teacher and now elementary for 10 years now. After working as a substitute teacher I felt the pull to become a teacher because I loved working with kids and also because I felt there was a need for more male teachers in education. I've experienced so much through the years and the bonds formed have been beneficial not only for my former students but for myself as well. My goal is to just expose my students to the opportunities that awaits them and show them that they have someone in their corner.

Investments (10)

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