Helping First Grade Teachers Be Lifetime Learners

Verified Non-Profit

$600 goal

The Description
As teachers, we are constantly scouring the internet, reading teacher blogs, getting ideas off Pinterest, buying plans from Teachers Pay Teachers, and using whatever other resources we can find. We strive to be continually improving and enhancing our ideas with the help of other teachers so that we can create the most engaging atmosphere for our students. Naturally, we find a few favorite bloggers and a few favorite sellers that consistently contribute to our classroom.
Imagine our excitement when we find THIS conference that has many of our favorites presenting to just first grade teachers! This is a conference in San Marcos, TX about 3 hours away from where we live. It spans over two days and is filled with specialized breakout sessions that we can elect. We know that this conference will be a great opportunity to not only learn from the experienced mentor teachers, but also to network with other teachers and share ideas that are working with teachers just like us!
Our school has generously offered to pay for the registration, but we still need to cover the travel, the lodging, and supplies. These funds will cover the $300 for the hotel room, the estimated $100 for gas, and then will leave us $200 for food and supplies. If we happen to raise more, then we will be able to purchase some of the wonderful goodies at the conference!
Our students will be able to directly benefit from the ideas that we get at this conference. This conference is advertised to be hands on, meaning that we will leave with ideas that we can immediately apply into our classroom. There will be lessons on guided reading and math to "boost success" in our students learning! We will get to look at our First Grade Texas standards from new perspectives so that we can come back to Houston with a fresh mindset. We are excited for this amazing opportunity!
Back Up Plan
If I do not meet my goal we will pay for it out of pocket. We feel that this is a conference that will tremendously enhance our teaching, so we are willing to do whatever it takes to attend.
About the Creator

I have taught for 6 years, and I couldn't imagine a more fulfilling career. From 3rd grade to kindergarten, the love I have for my students is immeasurable. I would do anything for them and am constantly striving to improve myself as a teacher and their learning experience. I am excited to have found a new way to help them!
Investments (2)
PledgeCents Team
10 years ago
Christine Ellery
10 years ago
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