Since its inception over a decade ago, Life School has experienced substantial increases in enrollment. Testimonies from parents to friends, neighbors, and co-workers have fueled rapid growth. Today, Life School has grown to six campuses serving several thousand students.
Dr. Wilson’s vision was to provide a quality education and give parents an educational choice regardless of a parent’s ability to pay. He envisioned a tuition-free school with the quality of an expensive private school. After enactment of charter school legislation, Dr. Wilson realized that a charter school was the avenue to fulfill this vision. Through the help of friends, educators and other professionals the charter was drafted and approved by the TEA in the spring of 1998, and the doors opened only a few months later in August 1998.
Life School seeks to develop leaders with the necessary skills to achieve success in the 21st century. Through character training, strong academics and parent involvement Life School will be successful in fulfilling its mission. The Mission of Life School is to train leaders with life skills for the twenty-first century by establishing strong academics, character training, and a parenting program.

Nicholas Miller
Assistant Principal
My name is Nicholas Miller and I am originally from Dallas, TX. When I was 19 years old, I worked as a lifeguard and swim instructor at Hand Prints Daycare in Mesquite, TX. On the last day of summer, my kindergarten class sheepishly approached me with pictures they'd created as a momentum for our time together. It opened my eyes to the realization that every day with these impressionable young people held great potential for positive transformation. When I attended Texas A&M University in College Station, TX I decided to pursue my newfound passion in every facet. Majoring in Kinesiology, minoring in English Language Arts, I sought out a teaching career through one of A&M's rigorous certification programs. I had no idea that a handful of professors would change not only the course of my educational career, but also transform my motivation and willingness to redefine what it means to be truly dedicated. My initial experiences led me into education policy, where I worked for the U.S. Department of Education: White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for Hispanics. What I learned during my time in the Nation’s capital was irreplaceable, but it taught me one very important thing-- working directly students, by far, is the most rewarding and impactful way to change lives. After leaving D.C., I applied for Teach for America, a national organization dedicated to leveling the educational playing field for all students, regardless of their income or ethnicity. I was accepted into the program and placed at a public charter school in Oak Cliff on the south side of Dallas. I taught for 2 years in fourth grade. My first year, I taught Reading and Writing, and during my second year, I was blessed to focus solely on writing--a personal passion of mine. I absoluetly loved every moment in the classroom, but I felt compelled to have a broader impact and was accepted to work as an assistant prinicipal. I am now in my second semester as an assistant principal and thoroughly enjoy it. I am blessed to work in a place where I love my job as much as I do. If you're familiar with the myriad of challenges a school faces, you know that I am battling a combination of factors that are working to prevent my students from being successful. My job is to make sure that they overcome those challenges and reach success not only in my classroom but for the rest of their lives.

Sydney jackson
special education teacher
I have only just begun my life as a teacher and already have seen so many students with so many needs not being met. I work in a charter school in Oak Cliff Dallas as a special education teacher. I teach math to elementary student with all different kinds of academic, emotional, and physical disabilities, and I love every second of it. I want to do more to help the students at my school be successful, not only in school but in life as well.

Ruth Ortiz
Special Education Resource Teacher
I grew up with 9 siblings, we were a Migrant family who went through a sibling committing suicide, divorce, homelessness, and all older siblings including myself were high school drop-outs. We come from parents with no formal education. I have never given up on learning despite all obstacles, I am a licensed Paramedic, Medical Assistant, Psychiatric Assistant, Mortician, certified Special Education Teacher while currently working towards my Masters in Special Education. I believe that no matter what obstacles we are or have been faced or given, we should never give up on what we learn and retain for the rest of our lives. No matter where my students are in life, my job and dream is to expand the knowledge of my student's regardless of where they find themselves in life. I work hard in providing my classroom kids all the opportunities they are lacking in their environment, such as food, internet time before, after school, materials and items needed to be successful. Backpacks, school supplies, weekend meals, hot breakfasts, snacks and clean clothes, hygiene products, that friends and family gather from their hotel stays, the dollar store or store sale. Tutoring for any student on my campus, along with their parents if they need help learning a new concept in order to help their child at home. I believe that there should be no excuse of why we can't learn. I offer parent academic classes, so that my kids parent's can also be an active member in their child's education. When A child see's his/her parents going to school and learning just as they are, my kids see their parents struggle with homework, my kids begin to realize that it's okay to struggle, as long as they seek the help they need they are learning to advocate for themselves. When we learn to become self advocates, we have learned to put ourselves into everything that is out there. This is what I work on teaching my kids and parents in both special education and general education students.

QuaNesha Stovall
5th Grade Teacher
My name is QuaNesha Stovall and I was born and raised here in Dallas, Texas where I attended and graduated from David W. Carter High School in 2000. In 2005 I graduated from the University of North Texas in Denton with a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology. I am a strong believer that children will rise to the level of expectation that you place on them, so we have planned a . It is my duty to prepare my students to be successful in life, not just to prepare them for entering the 6th grade. Educating children is my hearts desire and

Joshua Wyant
6th Grade Teacher
I have been teaching 6th grade students in South Dallas for over 5 years. I believe that field trips are an excellent tool for extending the learning experience of my students. Please join us in giving our students experiences they otherwise might miss.