2017 Texas A&M Fourth Grade Field Trip

Verified Non-Profit

Verified Non-Profit

The Description

Last year, I was privileged with the opportunity of taking 100 fourth-grade students on a field trip to Texas A&M University. We had an amazing time, and my students were given the chance to take a glimpse at my Alma Mater. This year, although I am not serving the 4th grade students as a classroom teacher, I interact with them on a daily basis as their assistant principal. They are a bright, passionate and curious group of students who have wonderful futures ahead. Although they work diligently in the classroom each and every day, their exposure to college and career pathways has, in many ways, been limited. I know that, for many of my students, this trip will be an eye-opening opportunity for them to envision their futures and their personal potential. Below is a list of items we are trying to fund in order to provide these students the best campus visit possible. 

$1,800.00-- Two Charter Buses (With 100 students and 10 teachers, we will need 2 charter buses for the 300+ mile round trip) 

$200-- Each year, with the funds provided through PledgeCents, the students have been able to order Texas A&M t-shirts free of charge. 

Tentative Agenda 

-Tour of Texas A&M (College Station, TX) 

-Lunch (Provided by raising canes) 

-Motivation Speaker

-Question and Answer Panel with college students  

-Recess Time with student volunteers 

Back Up Plan

If we do not meet the financial goal, we will still attend the field trip by seeking funds elsewhere. The minimum necessity is charter buses. 

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About the Creator

My name is Nicholas Miller and I am originally from Dallas, TX. When I was 19 years old, I worked as a lifeguard and swim instructor at Hand Prints Daycare in Mesquite, TX. On the last day of summer, my kindergarten class sheepishly approached me with pictures they'd created as a momentum for our time together. It opened my eyes to the realization that every day with these impressionable young people held great potential for positive transformation. When I attended Texas A&M University in College Station, TX I decided to pursue my newfound passion in every facet. Majoring in Kinesiology, minoring in English Language Arts, I sought out a teaching career through one of A&M's rigorous certification programs. I had no idea that a handful of professors would change not only the course of my educational career, but also transform my motivation and willingness to redefine what it means to be truly dedicated. My initial experiences led me into education policy, where I worked for the U.S. Department of Education: White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for Hispanics. What I learned during my time in the Nation’s capital was irreplaceable, but it taught me one very important thing-- working directly students, by far, is the most rewarding and impactful way to change lives. After leaving D.C., I applied for Teach for America, a national organization dedicated to leveling the educational playing field for all students, regardless of their income or ethnicity. I was accepted into the program and placed at a public charter school in Oak Cliff on the south side of Dallas. I taught for 2 years in fourth grade. My first year, I taught Reading and Writing, and during my second year, I was blessed to focus solely on writing--a personal passion of mine. I absoluetly loved every moment in the classroom, but I felt compelled to have a broader impact and was accepted to work as an assistant prinicipal. I am now in my second semester as an assistant principal and thoroughly enjoy it. I am blessed to work in a place where I love my job as much as I do.
If you're familiar with the myriad of challenges a school faces, you know that I am battling a combination of factors that are working to prevent my students from being successful. My job is to make sure that they overcome those challenges and reach success not only in my classroom but for the rest of their lives.

Investments (14)


DeAnna Woods

7 years ago


Stephanie Colwell

7 years ago


Herbert ONeil

7 years ago


Ashley Woodrow

7 years ago


Chea Tankersley

7 years ago


Adam Garnick

7 years ago


Octaviano Ortega

7 years ago


Diana Ortega

7 years ago


Brent Wilson

7 years ago


Quoc Pham

7 years ago


Morgan Scott

7 years ago


Summer McCall

7 years ago


Lance Schroeder

7 years ago


Dawn Allen

8 years ago