Science Lab Coats

Verified Non-Profit
$300 goal

The Description
With these funds our fourth grade students will be able to feel like scientists as they work like scientists. Our vision is for our fourth grade students to fully emerge themselves in every sensory area while working through the scientific process. Students have shown that when individuals are dressed in attire that corresponds with a particular activity or field, not only are they more likely to be engaged and on task, but they are also more likely to succeed when given tasks to complete. With that in mind, we would like to raise enough money to provide our fourth grade science class with enough lab coats for each student. Each lab coat costs anywhere between $10 and $20, and we need approximately 25 lab coats.
Back Up Plan
If I do not meet my goal we will purchase as many lab coats as possible. If we are only able to raise enough money for 5 or 6 lab coats, they will be used to motivate appropriate behavior.
About the Creator

If you're familiar with the myriad of challenges a school faces, you know that I am battling a combination of factors that are working to prevent my students from being successful. My job is to make sure that they overcome those challenges and reach success not only in my classroom but for the rest of their lives.
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