Today, Genesis understands what it means to look at students as individuals. After 40 years, staff knows that a caring learning environment actually remove barriers. Striving to promote critical thinking and effective problem solving, teachers challenge students to utilize knowledge gained in a process that promotes self-understanding. Genesis not only addresses the academics in each core subject areas, but license mental health counselors provide individual and group therapy. Genesis’ outreach to students and parents has resulted in strong and consistent gains in student performance, both academically and socially.
Mission: To endow students with the knowledge, skills, and mindsets necessary to be successful in a college preparatory high school.
Vision: To transform the Kansas City educational landscape by demonstrating that all students in an open-enrollment community school can achieve at the highest levels.
Alysia Lee
6th, 7th, & 8th English Language Arts
Hello! I am a first year 6th, 7th, and 8th English Language Arts teacher in Kansas City, MO. My school is unique in the sense that it provides students with an alternative middle school education in contrast to traditional public school. My students embody what I believe is most true about education, as there should never be an excuse not to obtain a education. My school is committed to giving students a fresh start and new outlook on their future as a scholar. We are committed to guiding them to a more positive trajectory that will continue to foster true passion for contributing to their communities.
Brittney Potthast
2nd grade teacher
Second Grade Teacher
Jordan Rice
5-8 grade science
22 Teacher
Milton Achelpohl
3rd Grade Teacher
3rd Grade teacher at Genesis Promise Academy.
Steve Fraley
Math Specialist
My name is Steve Fraley. I'm a math specialist at a K-8 school.
Regina Craddolph
Librarian K-8
I'm currently the Librarian at Genesis School. I have worked at Genesis for five years and created the library that we have today. Serving our staff, and students and has been a awesome.
Carolyn Graves
K-8 Art Teacher
I have worked worked at Genesis School as the art teacher for 11 years.