
Michaella Ramler
6th Language Arts Teacher
I am Dallas ISD proud! I am blessed to work with my kids every day. Great things are happening at our school and our district. Empowering students with the written and spoken word is my mission. I love to open their eyes to the issues around them and see their voices rise up and out!

Casey Young
Health/PE Teacher
I coach football, basketball and baseball at Quintanilla. I currently teach Health but will be teaching PE in the fall.
Natalie Bielamowicz
My students' will to succeed drives me to do my best.

Lisa Taylor
Former journalist and non profit arts consultant, Lisa Taylor taught in after school programs before becoming a full time language arts teacher at her neighborhood middle school. She runs two after school clubs, one for poetry students and the other called Culture Club that visits arts events monthly.

Jennifer Burson
6th Grade ELA teacher
I am a second year 6th grade ELA teacher at a Title 1 school in Dallas, TX. I love my kids and nothing beats seeing a lightbulb go off for them when they finally get something new! Many kids come to middle school not reading well (or at all), and more than half of our students are not native English speakers. By exposing them to tons of engaging texts in their sixth grade year, we hope to help them learn to read more fluently while learning about themselves and the world around them.

Lisa Taylor
Former newspaper arts reporter turned PR consultant turned language arts teacher.