
Abby Kraemer
Theatre Director
Newman Smith High School Theatre Department

Kathy Holdge
Director, International Business Academy
I am the Director of the International Business Academy at Newman Smith High School. Our academy was created to provides students interested in business, marketing and finance a rigorous curriculum of these classes in addition to their core classes.

Stephanie Laranjeira
I am a Dance Director at Newman Smith High School and would like to know more about PledgeCents for fundraising purposes.

Crystal Perez
Girls Soccer Coach

Sasha Marrier
IBA Director
My name is Sasha Marrier and I am the director for Newman Smith High School's International Business Academy. Our academy gives our students the opportunity to gain real-world experiences in the business industry, and we help give our students the foundation to pursue a business career in the future.

Kathleen Carter
Kathleen Carter is a Newman Smith graduate of 2007. She has a Bachelors of Science degree in Dance from Stephen F. Austin State University. She began her teaching career in 2012 and has been at Newman Smith High School since 2013. She is the one of the Directors of Dance for the NSHS Dance Department and is the Director of the Troyann Drill Team.