KIPP Austin Beacon Prep verified non-profit
The vast majority of our students are English Language Learners with Spanish as their primary language. One of our focus areas this year is literacy. Developing vocabulary is a key component to literacy and KABP students are dedicated to spending 100 minutes or more each day with eyes on text at their reading level in the genre of their choice.

Latreva Herndon
7th Grade English Language Arts Teacher
I am a 7th grade English Language Arts Teacher in Austin, Texas with KIPP Austin Public Schools. I have been teaching for six years. I decided to become a teacher after working with college students and realizing that although they'd made it to college, many of them struggled to read and write well. I remember thinking "someone dropped the ball. Who failed them? How can I be a part of the solution?" When the economy shifted in 2008, so did my career focus. I started working with KIPP in 2009 and have been helping students climb the mountain to college ever since.

Allison Brandon
5th Grade Science Teacher and Grade Level Chair
Hi! My name is Allison Brandon and I've been teaching at KIPP Austin Beacon Prep for 3 years. I couldn't see myself doing anything else at any other school, despite teachings many challenges. I have the privileges to work with an amazing population of students who are unbelievably tenacious and truly dedicated to create a better life for themselves by going to and through college.