Homestead Senior High School verified non-profit

Homestead, Florida


Homestead Senior High School envisions its students developing their talents and intellectual skills to become informed, caring, responsible, and productive citizens of their community, state, nation, and world. The mission of Homestead Senior High School is to prepare students to develop their human potential and intellectual skills by providing a quality, relevant, and rigorous education in a safe learning environment so that students will become competitive and participatory citizens in a globalized world. Homestead Senior High School is a Title 1 school and part of Miami-Dade County Public Schools.
$400 Raised
2 Investors
A Day Without Books
by Christa Gruener
at Homestead Senior High School
minutes left
Paper for Progress!
by Christa Gruener
at Homestead Senior High School
minutes left
Busses for Reading Around Town
by Mary Roberts
at Homestead Senior High School
minutes left
Read a Million Words Challenge!
by Mary Roberts
at Homestead Senior High School
minutes left

kenneth wright


We are doing end of year rewards/incentives... I need some electronics for my kids to motivate them to continue their work/study over the summer.

Ms. Quinn


I am a Teach for America 2015 Corps teacher at Homestead Senior High School and I need to buy books for my students

Mary Roberts


I teach over 150 freshmen students in a low socioeconomic area, motivating and challenging them to read a million words!

Andrea Nunez

Teacher (Debate, Drama)

I am a fourth-year educator at a low-income school.

Grether Betancourt

10th Grade Reading, Writing, & English II

This year, I am teaching intensive reading and as a result have been heavily invested in creating a more diverse and exciting classroom library. The only way to become a better reader is to READ! I want to provide my students with books that they will dive into and devour.

Christa Gruener


I am an English teacher at a Title I high school. NInety-nine percent of our student population is free/reduced lunch without access to supplies or internet at home.