kenneth wright
We are doing end of year rewards/incentives... I need some electronics for my kids to motivate them to continue their work/study over the summer.
Ms. Quinn
I am a Teach for America 2015 Corps teacher at Homestead Senior High School and I need to buy books for my students
Mary Roberts
I teach over 150 freshmen students in a low socioeconomic area, motivating and challenging them to read a million words!
Andrea Nunez
Teacher (Debate, Drama)
I am a fourth-year educator at a low-income school.
Grether Betancourt
10th Grade Reading, Writing, & English II
This year, I am teaching intensive reading and as a result have been heavily invested in creating a more diverse and exciting classroom library. The only way to become a better reader is to READ! I want to provide my students with books that they will dive into and devour.
Christa Gruener
I am an English teacher at a Title I high school. NInety-nine percent of our student population is free/reduced lunch without access to supplies or internet at home.