Our mission is unprecedented academic success and unparalleled personal growth for every student.
Student achievement is at an all-time high in Blue Valley. From record breaking ACT scores to recognition for innovative school programs, the efforts of Blue Valley students and the dedication of staff, aligned with the goals of the district's strategic plan are making Education Beyond Expectations a reality in classrooms throughout the district.
Student achievement is at an all-time high in Blue Valley. From record breaking ACT scores to recognition for innovative school programs, the efforts of Blue Valley students and the dedication of staff, aligned with the goals of the district's strategic plan are making Education Beyond Expectations a reality in classrooms throughout the district.
$6,875 Raised
71 Investors

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Blue Valley Northwest Girls Basketball
by BVNW Girls Basketball
at Blue Valley Northwest High School
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BVNW Girls Basketball
Basketball Coach/Social Studies Teacher
Matt Shulman, Educator and Basketball Coach. Working to change the culture of Girls Basketball at Blue Valley Northwest High School in Overland Park, Ks. Teaching others to play with energy, enthusiasm and to love the game of basketball as much as I do.

Clint Rider
Blue Valley Northwest Strength & Conditioning Coordinator