Church Of Iron

$11,341 goal

The Description
Husky Power is looking to create a state of the art facility for our athletes here in the Church of Iron. The weight room offers tremendous benefits to athletes in any sport by enhancing power, speed, strength, and injury prevention. Over the course of the last year, the Husky Power strength & conditioning program has seen tremendous growth. School classes have grown from 114 enrolled students in the Fall of 2017 to 157 athletes enrolled for the Fall semester in 2018. Caps on the number of students that can enroll in each class had to be extended to allow for the enrollment demand. Program growth also showed great promise in summer workouts as well. The average number of athletes attending summer workouts increased from around 170 in 2017 to almost 300 athletes in 2018. The weight room requires much time, energy, and sacrifice from athletes, and we believe that we should work to provide the BEST possible environment for our athletes! With that in mind, we are starting a campaign to renovate the Church of Iron. This first step in the project will focus on the aesthetics of the weight room by purchasing digital covers for every door & window in the room. Funds will also be used to purchase new record boards to display the achievements of our athletes to be enshrined for years to come and providing a clear view of where we have come and where we are going as a program.
Below are some examples of the art we would work to purchase:
Back Up Plan
In the event we come up short of our total goal, we can use the existing funds raised to purchase pieces of the project individually starting with door wraps and window graphics on the tall windows of the Church of Iron.
About the Creator

Investments (17)
Jarrett & Kim Grosdidier
6 years ago
Michelle Mitchell
6 years ago
Lyndi Munro
6 years ago
Lee Ann Rahto
6 years ago
Husky Softball
6 years ago
Kelli Kaufman
6 years ago
Philip Schwarz
6 years ago
Pauley Pauley
6 years ago
Chris Yates
6 years ago
Lisa Beischel
6 years ago
Kelly Callahan
6 years ago
Scott Baughman
6 years ago
6 years ago
Ann and Dana Suchma
6 years ago
Todd Windholz
6 years ago
6 years ago
Clint Rider
6 years ago
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