Building Excellent Readers

Verified Non-Profit

Verified Non-Profit

The Description

At KIPP West Philadelphia Prep, most of our students enter our school several years below reading level.  Data shows that, if, by 7th grade, a student is performing below grade level, they will most likely never perform at their appropriate level for the remainder of their educational career.  That leaves us with very little time to get our students to grow many reading levels!  Therefore, we dedicate an hour each day to provide small group instruction and one-on-one reading practice with students.  This intervention time is called guided reading, and we focus on building student skills in comprehension and fluency of rigorous text. After finding each student's reading level with the Fountas Pinnell (F&P) test, we group students with similar levels in order to work intentionally with those students to improve skills while reading.

Our students deserve these resources because we want to continue to push our students to improve, no matter what their reading level. We want to develop and build all students. We want to improve students who are on grade level and create ways we can push them above grade level. The texts we plan to purchase vary from below, at, and above grade level, in order to better serve our wide array of student needs.

With these funds I will buy sets of 6 books for small group guided reading text for students in high Fountas and Pinnell levels. I plan to buy historical and science fiction text for students on X, Y, and Z levels on the Fountas and Pinnell rubric scale. 

Below you will find links to the set of books I plan to buy from 

F&P Level X Books

Within Reach: My Everest Story (Mark Pfetzer, written by Jack Galvin) - 6 Pack

Socialism and Communism (Nancy Shniderman) - Softcover 6-Pack

My Thirteenth Winter-A Memoir (Samantha Abeel) - 6 Pack

F&P Level Y Books

States of Matter (Carol Baldwin) - 6 Pack

The Endless Steppe (Esther Hautzig) - 6 Pack

Anthony Burns-The Defeat and Triumph of a Fugitive Slave (Virginia Hamilton) - 6 Pack

F&P Level Z Books

Black Boy (Richard Wright) - 6 Pack

I Will Plant You a Lilac Tree (Laura Hillman) - 6 Pack

Back Up Plan

If I do not meet my goal I will purchase one set of books from each level.

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Comments (2)

Tiffany Carvalho November 1, 2015

We truly appreciate your support! Of course, we will always be a team and family! Love you!!!

Ms. Reagans November 1, 2015

I'm truly proud of the work that the Big and Little KIPPsters are doing at KWPP. Near or far, we will always be family.

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About the Creator

I am a teacher of KIPP West Philadelphia Prep. I am a technology teacher six grade students. I have taught for two years. I am motivated to bring students the best technology opportunities in the classroom to prepare them to go to and through college and be able to compete with all students.

Investments (5)



9 years ago


Lai Ara Reagans

9 years ago



9 years ago



9 years ago



9 years ago