Support Student Learning

Verified Non-Profit
$300 goal

The Description
With these funds I will...
My Students
"Don’t just teach your kids to read, teach them to question what they read. Teach them to question everything"-George Carlin. Children must be taught how to think. Instead of worksheets let's start the day engaged!
I am the proud second grade teacher of 20 vibrant, energetic, eager to learn students who come to school each and every day.
Some rely on the school for a good hot breakfast and a good hot lunch. This is also where they stay warm and are safe. Our school is 95 percent free and reduced-price lunch. Some of our students are homeless, but that does not deter me from trying to reach each and every one of them. They have good hearts and want to do the right thing. My students deserve a great education no matter what.
My Project
When students arrive each day they will use these materials to reinforce their learning. No more boring worksheets for morning work. Students will begin their day engaged with hands-on learning. I will set the room up in stations. Some of the stations are as follows: At one station students will use the Comprehension Practice Cards; using evidence to answer skill building questions. Another station, Discovery Cans is a great self-checking center that allows students to practice place value and measurement skills. Another station will provide students journals to practice sentence corrections. After a few weeks, stations will be rotated to avoid students becoming disengaged.
Donations to this project will enable my students to become independent, successful and confident students! These resources will allow them to partner up, work in small groups or work independently--and that's the goal.
Back Up Plan
If I do not meet my goal I will purchase...Interactive Journals for the students to use. This will help keep students engaged up arriving at school.
About the Creator

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