Building the Foundation: Classroom Supplies

$750 goal

The Description
Hey guys!!!
In preparing for my second year of teaching I am as excited as ever to be starting the new year and build my own classroom. Having completed my first year and learning so much from the seasoned veterans around me I have learned it is so important that my classroom is a welcoming space that an student from any grade level can come and feel like they can be heard and be as comfortable as possible to express who they are! My room is not only a place for learning at desk but also a place that turns into a living room in the library and an art studio for my future Picassos' and a dance floor for my future Misty Copeland. I am asking for assistance to build my classroom not only for typical classroom supplies but also to give my students more than what is in a textbook.
Back Up Plan
If we do not reach our goal I will purchase as much of the supplies as I can with my own money to give my students starter supplies for the school year.
About the Creator

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