More Books!

Verified Non-Profit

$300 goal

The Description
One of the ways in which we build student literacy is through independent reading within their zone of proximal dependent. In order to round out a balanced literacy curriculum, we need students to have the opportunity to be excited by and engage in independent reading at home. The books chosen are targeted for students who are reading 2 years below reading level. Our current library lacks books that are within these students' reading ranges. We have 37 third grade books for over 50 students. With these funds, I will buy high interest library books specific to the interests and literacy needs of this year's fifth graders. This year, we have over 50 students reading between the third and fourth grade that would benefit from series like the "Time Warp Trio" and the "Zach Files". From the first day of school, our students love to read and are eager to dive into out library but as it stands, we simply do not have enough books to serve their needs. Many students do not have the opportunity to go to our neighborhood library and our school library is their only resource. We want to make sure that our students have everything they need to support the reading they are excited to do.
"Time Warp Trio" Series: $40.00
"Zach Files" Series: $140.00
"My Big Fat Zombie Goldfish" Series: $15.00
"Bunnicula" Series: $20
"Alvin Ho" Series: $40
"The Gary Paulsen" series: $40
Back Up Plan
If I do not meet my goal I will purchase as many books as I can with the money that I have.
About the Creator

Investments (3)
9 years ago
Lyzbeth Lara
9 years ago
9 years ago
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