Lock it Up...Help Keep Our Classroom Safe!!
Verified Non-Profit
$360 goal
The Description
With these funds I will...Secure our EC office/classrooms. We have a lot of sensitive information and technology in or EC office/classroom do not have a safe lockable area to store all of our student technology and personal belongings. To prevent technology and other items from DISAPPEARING from the office/classroom im requesting safety materials that will be used in the EC office/classroom. These materials will be used to help keep our technology and personal belongings safe while we are traveling in and out of classes. The technology tub will be used to store, lock, and charge our EC classroom Kindle Fire tablets, iPads and any other appropriate technology. This will ensure that our technology is safe while in and out of class and EC office. The lockable storage bin will be used to store personal belongings and anything else needing to be kept safe. The rolling bag will be used to transport materials from place to place. The materials and prices for what I would like to purchase when the goal is met are listed below (taxes and fees not included).
Luxor Home Office 12 Tablet/Chromebook Wall Desk Charging Box: $174.99
CalPak Big Eazy Bright Check 20-inch Washable Rolling Shopping Tote Bag: $35.69
Back Up Plan
If I do not meet my goal I will purchase...If the goal is not met but I do receive donations I will still take the money and use it to purchase safety equipment for locking up our technology like lockable plastic tubs. It's not as safe as the tech tub and it does not charge the technology while it stores, but it does allow for some safe keeping for our technology and belongings.
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