Robotics Advocates: The Next Generation of Engineers!

Verified Non-Profit

$1,600 goal

The Description
With these funds we will be able to redefine the status quo! In 2009, just 6% of the engineering workforce, 8% of all engineering bachelor’s degree recipients, and 4% of engineering faculty were Latino. WE WANT TO CHANGE THAT! We are hoping to purchase robotic kits to compete in this year's LEGO MINDSTORMS FLL CHALLENGE. We need you! Help us become the next generation of Engineers. Imagine if we learn the basics of coding and engineering at such a young age, the possibilities of High school, College and in life??? Help us make a difference by changing the statistics!
We are hoping to purchase 4 robotics kits ($400 each) for 4 teams consisting of 4 people each. See more about the kits in the link below.
Back Up Plan
If I do not meet my goal I will purchase the amount of kits possible with the money we generate. Each kit is $400 so we will try to fundraiser the rest so that EVERY student has the opportunity to be an engineer.
About the Creator

Investments (1)
9 years ago
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