Ms. Richard’s Geometry Class

$516 goal

The Description
Over 40% of my students live in poverty and are not able to fund themselves with decent supplies for the school year. I have taken the initiative to help most of my students out with some necessities they may need for school. Although this data does not reflect my students potential to be successful, but it has shown me the inequity the system has for our students in the Southside community of Oklahoma City.
I have had the opportunity to be able to teach my students different ways to understand math with what the resources that were given to me, but they are so much that I want to do this year that I need your help to fund my classroom. This is my second year teaching geometry this year and I have some great ideas and projects that I would like for my students to engage in that needs a little bit of supplies to help start my year off right.
I want to be able to raise about $500 for my classroom to start off with for my students. With this I will be able to purchase binders, pencils, notebooks, uniforms, pens, graph paper, markers, anchor chart paper, glue sticks and notebook paper.
I would not be able to do this without you!!! Thank you so much for investing in our children’s future!!!!!
Back Up Plan
If we do not reach our goal I will purchase supplies for my classroom out of my own pocket. Funding for a classroom is a hassle but manageable.
About the Creator

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