Show a Little Love

The Description

The Covid-19 Pandemic has impacted almost every person in some way, shape, or form. When the Pandemic first made waves in the United States, teachers were praised for their efforts to make learning happen, no matter what. However, as the Pandemic proceed into 2021, many politicians and members of society have forgotten the efforts of educators to completely shift their practice and make learning happen, regardless of the circumstances.

This February, I am asking you to "Show a Little Love" to a teacher who is in need of educational software for her students. The internet has a plethora of educational resources; however, many of these resources are significantly limited with "basic" accounts. Additionally, I plan to use funds to purchase small incentives for students to reward student excellence. 

The reality is that some school districts can easily afford to purchase district-wide premium accounts of software and incentives, and others are not. Due to a miscalculation in tax rates, the Orangeburg County School District in South Carolina is $8.7 million in debt. The pandemic also has affected the funding of school districts around the country. In short, money is not always available to assist with classroom projects and programs. 

"It takes a village to raise a child." I never knew how true this African Proverb was until I became a teacher. I am always humbled by and grateful for the individuals in my community and across the country that show support and love to the students in my classroom. I thank you for believing in and investing in my kids! 

Back Up Plan

If we do not reach our goal, I will prioritize purchasing the softwares that have the most significant impact on my students. I will continue to pay for premium services out-of-pocket to ensure my students have access to highly engaging material. 

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Comments (1)

Sarah Meissel February 17, 2021

Happy birthday Amanda! We love you so much and we are so proud of the amazing teacher that you are!
Mike and Sarah

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About the Creator

Investments (15)


Austin McCleery

4 years ago


Marcellina Fugate-Guinyard

4 years ago



4 years ago


Christen Morrell

4 years ago


Amanda Cary

4 years ago


Kate Minnihan

4 years ago


Prerit Oberai

4 years ago


Brandon Bodnar

4 years ago


Mike & Sarah Meissel

4 years ago


Austin McCleery

4 years ago



4 years ago


Kayla Hoskins

4 years ago


Bethany Balderrama

4 years ago


Caitlin Ewing

4 years ago


Sean Ahearn

4 years ago