Love For Literacy: Building a Classroom Library

Verified Non-Profit

Verified Non-Profit

The Description

As a teacher, I want to provide all of my students with excellent learning opportunities. Part of that is exposing my students to high quality literary works regardless of reading level. That is why I want to build a more complete classroom library that includes books of all reading levels. This would allow my students to check out books that I could personally recommend based on their results in our small-group lessons.

I will be selecting all of the books that will be included in our classroom library, that way I can ensure that the books are accessible for all of my students. The texts selected will be a mixture of both fiction and nonfiction as it is important that students feel comfortable with both.

Every generous investment that you make will bring this excellent opportunity one step closer to my students. Please feel free to leave a comment if you would like to make a recommendation on a title to include in our library. Thank you so much for your support!

Back Up Plan

If I do not meet my goal, I will use the funds raised to purchase as many books for my classroom library as possible.

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About the Creator

Hi everyone! I'm Ms. Parks, a passionate and dedicated 5th grade teacher living and working in West Philadelphia. I love my job and my students, but unfortunately many of them do not have access to high quality materials to help them succeed in school. I am so thankful for people like you that believe in my students the way I do--all students deserve quality education, no matter their race, gender, or socioeconomic background.