Making Science Relatable Through Gardening

$516 goal

The Description
With these funds I will purchase materials to build a garden outside of my classroom. This garden will be a zen place where students can practice gardening skills and learn about life science. Imagine an experiment where students cover one plant and keep another plant exposed to light. Which one will thrive? Imagine kids actually providing water to the plants, weeding the plants, and harvesting the plants. This will build a life long skill (gardening) that they can use in the future. Imagine kids picking a plant and observing it's cells under a microscope. I want my kids to learn science through exploration, and you can help make that happen!
Back Up Plan
If we do not reach our goal I will purchase a smaller indoor garden. This wouldn't give the students as much of a hands on experience but it will still serve the purpose for my specific class.
About the Creator

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