Giving Our Students the Resources to Learn

$2,078 goal

The Description
With these funds I will... Give my first set of students at M.S. 118 in the Bronx the opportunity to learn math in new and exciting ways!
In Mr. Cottrell's Math and Science class at M.S. 118 in the Bronx we work hard and have fun, despite the conditions that exist in the surrounding neighborhood. Our students are given access to online Math resources, which if utilized regularly can help to close the achievement gap.
It is increasingly hard to compete for the attention of young minds without the use of technology in the classroom. Unfortunately, we are currently sharing a set of laptops across 4+ classrooms, and we have struggled to incorporate technology centered learning into our day to day work.
You can help change this!
My goal is to introduce 10 iPads into the classroom so that 1/3 of my students can be using them at a time. This sets us up for having at least one technology station going at a time, and hopefully engage more learners!
I speak for all of us when I say we appreciate anything that you can give.
Back Up Plan
If we do not reach our goal I will purchase... As many iPads and cases as I can, and save the rest to purchase classroom resources.
About the Creator

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