Sparking a Love of Science

$250 goal

The Description
With these funds I will be able to provide classroom materials and learning aides to my high school students. I believe that no child should be deprived of a quality education on the basis of socioeconomic barriers to essential supplies, and by supporting my fundraiser you can help the students of Eastern Hills High School come to class fully prepared to learn each day.
My two courses are Physics and Anatomy and Physiology, with multiple periods of students a day for each subject. My hope is that my classroom environment will help support and sustain a respect for these sciences.
In specific, funds will go towards:
- Pens and pencils
- Earbuds for each student
- Whiteboards and dry erase markers
- Anatomy and Physics models
Back Up Plan
If we do not reach our goal I will use the funds collected to begin purchasing the highest priority items. This starts with pens and pencils, and progresses to earbuds, and lastly whiteboards. I will also seek out alternative sources of funding on other platforms.
About the Creator

Investments (2)
Kathy Atwell
3 years ago
Jack Rozint
3 years ago
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