Pencils! Paper! Crayons! & School Supplies! OH MY!
$300 goal
The Description
This Fall I will be responsible for my very own classroom! I can't wait to decorate and meet my students and their families.
I am a first year teacher who graduated from college in May, and I didn't realize the abundance of supplies I need in order to be ready for my students on the first day of school. With these funds I will supply my 5th grade students at Law Elementary with classroom supplies to complete their work. Law Elementary is a low income school in suburban Houston. One of the biggest hurdles that students in high need schools face is a lack of the necessary materials that are needed daily. It makes it infinitely more difficult for students to take part in activities and classwork when they do not have basic supplies.
To get the year started off right, I will use the funds that I raise to purchase the startup supplies needed to welcome my students to a classroom that is clean and stocked full with materials. This will allow me to provide the required supplies to students that otherwise would not have them. I will also purchase copy paper to ensure that I can provide my students with high quality learning materials, whether that is exit tickets, independent activities, or homework.
Here is a complete list of the materials that your generous investment will help provide for the students of my very first classroom:
- Red Pens
- #2 pencils
- Index Cards
- Copy Paper
- Blue Pens
- Glue Sticks
- Kleenex
- Germx
- Writing Paper
- Spiral Notebooks
- Construction Paper
- Eraser
- Colored Pencils
- Crayola Markers
- Crayola Crayons
- Composition Books
- Folder with pockets and brads
I will teach forty kids over the course of one school day, and with your help these forty kids can experience a fabulous year in their classroom! It is with your contribution that I will be able to quickly stock my first classroom with the supplies needed to give my students to ensure their success in class this year.
Thank you for your help!
Back Up Plan
If I do not meet my goal I will purchase as much as I can such as: Kleenex, Germx, Pencils, and Pens.
Seeing that I have personal bills and obligations outside of the classroom it is not as easy for me to supply these supplies without your help!
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