Interpretation for Empowered Families

Verified Non-Profit

Verified Non-Profit

The Description

Through my work in Urban Education I’ve operated with the intention that one day all children will receive an excellent education.  Each year I’ve taught, I’ve made significant growth. Yearly, my students make significant growth academically, as well as socially, as I believe in teaching the whole child. In addition to teaching the whole child, I believe it is important to partner with and leverage their families and role models. 

Our school is making a shift this year to truly engage families and empower them to be leaders in the school community. So far, we have had parent groups advocate for safe crossings for our students, advocate for more classrooms for neighborhood children in our school, and help one another access e-mail accounts so they can receive timely information about the school.

These are just a few examples of the challenges our families have solved.  Families in high-poverty areas are used to programs & charity being ‘done’ to them, yet they are typically not in charge of these decisions.  We flip that script and put them in charge of project creation.  Our families see themselves as leaders in the community who continue to impact change.

In order to continue parent engagement and empowerment, parents have requested simultaneous interpretation at meetings. Our school is 70% English language learners. In order to provide important information and hear their concerns in their native language we would like to purchase simultaneous interpretation equipment. This would allow us to reach nearly all of our parents and hear all of their voices. We have interpreters on our staff and simply need the equipment to make our dream a reality. We would like to follow our families' lead and provide us all with the equipment needed to continue addressing concerns in the community and improving our students' school. 

We are hoping to purchase a Williams Sound Language Interpretation Wireless System that is FCC approved and would allow us to interpret our meetings with parents. One system costs $7,000.00


Back Up Plan

If I do not meet my goal I will purchase part of the set and continue fundraising until we are able to have the whole set.

Fundraiser Updates (1)

Thank you!!

January 6, 2016

Thank you so much for all of your support! We are so happy that we were able to get so much of this project funded. 

Comments (1)

Anonymous December 1, 2015


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About the Creator

I started with McGlone Elementary the first year of the turnaround. Since then I have taught ECE, Kindergarten, coordinated paraprofessionals, and am the family liaison.

Investments (14)



8 years ago



8 years ago



8 years ago



8 years ago



8 years ago


Lauren Fine

8 years ago


Karen/Rob Harris/Gips

8 years ago


8 years ago


Theresa Murphy

8 years ago


Anataly Uribe

8 years ago



8 years ago



8 years ago



8 years ago


Theresa Murphy

8 years ago