California, Here We Come!

Verified Non-Profit

$300 goal

The Description
With these funds, I will teach my students about the state of California. We have traveled to many countries the last four years and now, I feel it is time to visit the USA.
Learning about the California art scene of the 1970's, students can view iconic art styles such as black velvet paintings, word art and watercolors. I would like my fourth grade classes to experience black velvet painting. We will learn about texture, painting on fabric and produce a truly California style painting.
Using Dick Blick art supplies, I would like to order canvases, black rayon material, oil pastels and neon tempera paint. Students will learn about that era and what trends were happening compared to the trends they see now.
My students try to overcome the obstacles they have in their everyday lives such as hunger, lack of parental support, and homelessness, at times. School is a safe, secure place for them to come to. Here, they are nurtured, fed, loved and challenged with critical thinking and problem solving. They thrive in this environment and talk about going to college daily. We want them all to succeed, to learn as much as they can, and our goal is to educate them out of poverty.
I try to do my part to add literacy, social studies, science, writing and math to my art curriculum. Please help me give them every opportunity to succeed.
Back Up Plan
If I do not meet my goal I will purchase basic paint and drawing supplies to supplement daily projects.
About the Creator

Investments (2)
9 years ago
wynne d stegall
9 years ago
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