A Class Novelty

Verified Non-Profit

Verified Non-Profit

The Description

As we reach the end of the year, my third grade students have learned all of the reading strategies they need in order to be successful. As the year winds down what better way to finish the year strong than by reading a novel! Not only is this a fun way to review and refresh all of our knowledge learned throughout the year, but it also allows students to open their mind to the different types of novels that they will be reading as they enter the fourth grade. My students enjoy read alouds and story time. I can only imagine their excitement to learn that they can reinforce their knowledge while reading a novel as a class. Purchasing a class set or even requiring each student to acquire their own individual novel can prove a burden for my English language learners. Please help our class gain access to the wonderful world that reading offers! I cannot wait to help my ELLs expand their world by reading novels in both English and Spanish!

I am looking to purchase 24 novels (a class set of 23 and a teacher’s edition). This ensures that all twenty-three of my students have their very own novel. What is even better is that at the end of the novel series, they will be able to keep these books as their own as a memory. Many of them are unable to afford novels at such a price. I am looking to purchase the book “Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing,” by Judy Blume. Each book is $6.99 (paperback) which would bring the cost to $167.76 for a complete set. This is an amazing book that included imagery, imagination, and great character development that allows for the reinforcement of different readings skills. My students have avid imaginations and Judy Blume allows for the expansion of a young reader’s mind. It is also a perfect way to teach character traits, imagery, and fictional literary elements. In addition, my third graders are well on their way to the fourth grade and reading a book about Peter, a fourth grader, only sets them up with great anticipation for the new school year to come!

Back Up Plan

If I do not meet my goal I will purchase the remaining novels needed to complete my class set. I do not wish to take away the opportunity of reading a novel together, which is why I would use the money I gain to purchase as many novels as possible.

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About the Creator

My name is Jorgelina Marin and I am teaching a Dual Language Third Grade classroom. My goal is to provide my students with texts and books that reflect their identity. I wish to create a classroom around literacy where my students can develop a love for various types of literary works!

Investments (3)



9 years ago



9 years ago



9 years ago