From Chromebooks to College!

Verified Non-Profit

Verified Non-Profit

The Description

With these funds I will ensure that every single student in my class has access to technology that will prepare them for the future.  Technology has become a way of life for the world we live in today; in order to succeed and compete in college and the job market, you must have extensive knowledge of (and frequent access to) technology.  For students, the ability to use a laptop and the internet on a regular basis will prepare them for the real world.

In education today, students must rely on technology to complete research, type reports, and create presentations.  Not to mention, many standardized tests are now given on computers.  To prepare for these tests, many educational websites have been created to personalize programs for individual students to practice concepts that they may still be struggling with.  There are countless reasons why all children should have access to laptops and the internet.  The reality, however, is that school budgets are being sliced, and many students, particularly those in low-income areas, not only don't have access to technology in school, but also lack those resources at home. With this money, we will be able to purchase 5 Chromebooks ($250/each) for our classroom.  On a given day, nearly every student in our class will be able to use the laptops to develop their skills.  The payoff of this would be insurmountable: ability to do research, extra practice with academics, and experience typing papers and projects in preparation for high school and college.

My students work harder than most: they begin the school year in August, attend school for 9 hours each day, and also attend Saturday School.  Most of our students receive free or reduced breakfast and lunch.  Our students are overcoming the odds each and every day to make history in their families: they want to attend and graduate college.  According to our Mission Statement, at KIPP West Philadelphia Prep, we strive to prepare our students so "they can succeed in top-quality high schools, colleges, and the competitive world beyond."  It is clear that the only way to do this is by providing access to technology in our classrooms.

Thank you for your time and interest in our cause, and we look forward to climbing the mountain to and through college with our Chromebooks!

Back Up Plan

If I do not meet my goal I will purchase as many Chromebooks as I can with the money that has been donated.  It is my personal mission to ensure my students are adequately prepared for the future with technology.  

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About the Creator

Welcome to our future! Thank you so much for stopping by! Did you know that in urban areas, on average, only ONE in TEN children will go to and through college? At KIPP West Philadelphia Prep, we're working to change that number to TEN out of TEN. Can you imagine a world where that is possible? Circumstances should not determine a child's future; excellent educational opportunities should. We believe that every child deserves a very excellent education. Thank you for taking the time and making contributions to help us achieve these goals. Together, we can give our children the education they deserve. Through investing in our children, we are investing in the success of our future.

Investments (5)


Geri Edwards

9 years ago


Geri Edwards

9 years ago


Kelly A. Cucinotta

9 years ago



9 years ago


Mary E. McCarthy

9 years ago