
Verified Non-Profit

$50 goal

The Description
With these funds I Sharpies!
Sharpies! While I could do a ton of puns (be sharp, make your mark, leave a permanent impression), the simple point is we need Sharpies.
Sharpies work on foam sheets. Sharpies will work over watercolor pictures. Sharpies will work on plastic wrap. Sharpies will work on wood without bleeding.
Just as in writing, you must do a rough draft before your final. So in working with Sharpies, I teach them that they have to practice first because when we use a Sharpie there is no going back.
I teach art and drama to grades K - 12th in a very at-risk area. My school is in a transient town with a high meth-addicted population and an over 50% high school dropout rate. I have Kindergarteners that the first crayons they have ever seen are the ones I give them.
Back Up Plan
If I do not meet my goal I will ever many Sharpies as I can. Even one more is one I need.
About the Creator

I get to watch as they create mini masterpieces and for just a few moments their world is different. It is filled with beauty and possibilities. That little playdough dinosaur is
an art project it is created with a hand, mind and heart. I want them to have something that they made to give or keep that is special and beautiful. With your help they can have that special something that they made, that they created.
I am a K-12th grade art teacher.
Investments (2)
9 years ago
Beth Lawrence
9 years ago
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