Real World Connections: Help Bring Listenwise To My Students

The Description

There are valuable learning opportunities happening every day that my students are missing out on. This year I want to bring Listenwise Premium to my students to ensure that they are making connections to what they are learning to the real world.

Listenwise Premium will allow me to create custom online assignments from the library of lessons that are standards-aligned and are designed to draw connections between the real world stories and the curriculum that we are covering. The lessons are engaging for all of my students regardless of current reading level and there are literacy supports such as interactive transcripts for my ELL students.

All of these features come at a small cost for my classroom. This is where you come in. Your generous investment will help bring the power of public radio to my students and help them build connections to real world events.

Here is the breakdown of our goal of $308.25 for Listenwise

Listenwise Teacher Account (x1)$299.00
WePay payment processing fee$9.25
Total goal amount$308.25

Back Up Plan

I will purchase as many months as possible for my classroom so my students are able to experience Listenwise's great tool.

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