Culleys Care Package

Verified Non-Profit

$147 goal
The Description
With these funds I will be able to utilize the new chrome book cart and Google Classroom at my school for more individualized instruction. First and foremost, students will be able to watch educational videos in order to aid their instruction in all subject areas. We often use videos as math, science, and social studies tutorials. Currently, we have to do these as whole class activities. With headphones, students will be able to take initiative in their own learning. The videos will also be able to be differentiated, so students of various levels can be completing a similar activity at their own level.
I will be purchasing 40 pairs of headphones to be used in science and social studies class as well as math class. They cost $2.99 a piece plus shipping.
Back Up Plan
If I do not meet my goal I will purchase as many headphones as I can with the funds raised.
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